Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Beginning of Practice

They often say that practice makes perfect.  So what better way to start improving on my writing than testing the waters so to speak by writing more.  The purpose of this blog... thingy, at least for me, is to practice writing and to get a feel for my writing voice.  Often I write something and later decide it is really quite bad.  So instead of just feeling like I have failed, I have now chosen to just keep writing until it seems good to me.  

One day I thought that blogging might be the answer.  Maybe I could get an opinion from the occasional reader.  I really do mean occasional by the way.  Like maybe two or three max, but who knows, it could shoot all the way up to five.  I know, those are some high hopes.  Now I don't really think I am some great writer.  In fact, the truth would be closer to far from it, but this is why people practice.

A long time ago, I became pretty good at piano.   To me this feels like a different life, but the fundamentals of practice stayed with me.  Now maybe writing won't do anything for me.  Maybe I will simply fail to become better at something I admire in other people, but regardless I must do so to get a grasp as to why I think everything I write could be improved on.  So practice I shall.

Some of you (all one at the moment) might be wondering just what this blog is going to focus on.  Well I have an answer for you.  My focus will be entertainment, and creative mediums as art.  Don't worry though, I like to entertain with a comedy style.  I think that it draws people in and makes people happy.  Perhaps you remember reading reviews of video games, music, or film in your favorite magazine and in some small way long for a return to the entertainment someone's opinion could bring.  Who knows what you are thinking, but I feel that way.  I think critical thinking, and in an entertaining way, is important to understanding something as simple as a review.  To understand one's opinion you must better understand the person.  It is very likely that few, if any, people I don't know will ever see this.  But overall this is for my practice and a tiny bit of input.  So let the games begin.

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